Colonoscopy Procedure in Middle Tennessee

What is a Colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is a procedure that enables a physician to see the inner lining of your rectum and colon. During the procedure, a long, flexible tube with a camera is inserted into the anus and through the colon.

At Surgical Alliance of Middle Tennessee, our board-certified general surgeons are committed to your digestive health with our expert colonoscopy services in Clarksville, Hendersonville, and Springfield, TN. Don’t delay your screening; call us at (615) 205-9559 today to schedule your appointment and ensure a thorough and effective evaluation.

When should people get a Colonoscopy?

Current guidelines recommend that individuals at average risk begin routine colonoscopy screenings at age 45 and continue every ten years thereafter. Those with higher risk factors, such as a family history of colon cancer, may need to start screening earlier and more frequently.

A colonoscopy may be done for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Routine check for colon tumors
  • Routine check for colon polyps
  • Investigate abdominal pain
  • Investigate blood in the stool
  • Investigate frequent diarrhea
  • Routine check up if you have a family history of colon polyps or colon cancer

Preparation for a Colonoscopy

Prior to receiving a colonoscopy, the colon must be completely cleaned. Your physician will give you the following information to prepare for your procedure:

  • Dietary Restrictions: Stop eating solid foods and drink only clear fluids one to two days before the colonoscopy. Some approved foods and liquids include water, tea, coffee, cleared broths and gelatin.
  • Laxative Preparation: The night before the procedure, you will take a prescription laxative tablet or solution. The laxative will be mixed with one gallon of water. Depending on the time of your procedure, you may choose to drink half the solution the night before and half in the morning.
  • Enema: To completely clear out the colon, an enema 30 to 60 minutes before the test may be necessary.
  • Hydration: To avoid dehydration, drink plenty of fluids while preparing for your procedure.
  • Fasting: Stop drinking clear liquids six to eight hours prior to the procedure.

Recovery from a Colonoscopy

When you are fully awake, you will be released from the hospital or office the procedure was performed at. Depending on the amount of anesthesia that you were given, do not drive or operate machinery until the following day. Patients are allowed to eat normal foods and are required to drink a lot of fluids after testing to replace the water that was lost in the colonoscopy preparation process.

Schedule Your Colonoscopy in Middle Tennessee

For comprehensive colonoscopy services in Middle Tennessee, trust Surgical Alliance of Middle Tennessee. Our expert team is dedicated to providing thorough screenings and exceptional care to ensure your digestive health. Call us today at (615) 205-9559 to schedule your appointment at our general surgery clinics in Clarksville, Hendersonville & Springfield, TN and take a proactive step towards maintaining your health.

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This content has been reviewed by the board-certified surgeons from Surgical Alliance of Middle Tennessee